A Rare Visayan Spotted Deer Population In The Philippines

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The Visayan spotted deer (“Rusa kuda”) is a rare animal found only in the Philippines. It was previously thought to be extinct, but in 2015 it was discovered living in an isolated population on Bohol Island.

The Visayan spotted deer (Tragulus formosus) is a species of deer found in the Philippines. The population of this deer is estimated to be between 2,000 and 5,000 individuals. Although it is a fairly common animal in the wild, its population density is low due to its shyness and tendency to avoid humans.

The Visayan spotted deer is a medium-sized deer with a long tail and short ears. It has a reddish-brown coat with black spots on its back and sides. The males have larger spots than the females, and they grow two horns on their heads.

The Visayan spotted deer is found in the foothills of the Cordilleras mountain range in the provinces of Negros Occidental, Negros Oriental, Siquijor, Bohol, Leyte, Samar and Mindanao. Its habitat consists of dense rainforests and swamps.

The animals are shy and avoid contact with humans, so it is not clear if they are in any danger from humans. However, their low population density means that they may be at risk from extensive deforestation or other threats to their habitat.

What Is The Threat To This Population?

Visayan spotted deer

The Visayan spotted deer population is currently threatened by hunting and habitat loss. The hunting of the deer is a major threat as it leads to their depletion in numbers and their continued decline in quality of life.

Habitat loss is also a major threat as it reduces the number of trees and shrubs that the deer can use for shelter and food, which can lead to their extinction.

It is threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and the illegal wildlife trade. The deer are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss because they inhabit primary rainforest habitats that are being lost at an alarming rate.

The Visayan spotted deer is also susceptible to hunting as it is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. The illegal wildlife trade exacerbates these threats as it fuels demand for exotic animal products, including skins and antlers, which can drive up prices and further threaten the species’ survival.?

What Efforts Have Been Made To Save This Species?

1. There have been efforts made to save the species, including the establishment of protected areas and restrictions on hunting.

2. Conservation efforts aim to maintain populations of endangered animals while allowing for limited hunting and trapping for food, traditional medicine, and sport.

3. The goal is to eventually prevent extinction by breeding endangered animals in captivity or restoring their habitats.

What Needs To Be Done To Save This Species?

Visayan spotted deer

1: Reduce CO2 emissions

The deer are susceptible to climate change due to their reliance on forests for survival. To reduce CO2 emissions, the government has invested in renewable energy projects and established green infrastructure such as rain gardens which help conserve water and improve air quality.

2: Save and protect habitats

Habitats that the spotted deer rely on for their survival are being destroyed by human development and agriculture. The spotted deer is protected under the Philippine Wildlife Act of 1992, but additional protections are needed to ensure its long-term survival.

3: Educate the public about the importance of conserving wildlife

The government has designated areas within protected areas where hunting is not allowed to protect the dwindling population of Visayan Spotted Deer. Education about the importance of conserving wildlife is essential to help protect this species from extinction.

4: Advocate for stricter environmental laws

Stricter environmental laws could help protect the remaining Visayan Spotted Deer population by preventing habitat loss and hunting, two main threats to their survival.

Additionally, these laws could help promote better forest management practices that would benefit the deer and the surrounding environment.

What Are The Future Plans For Saving This Species?

Visayan spotted deer

Step 1: Identify the Threats to the Species

Hunting has been the main threat to the Visayan spotted deer for centuries. Hunters target this species for its antler and meat, which are prized in many parts of the world. Habitat loss is another major issue facing this species.

The deer rely heavily on forests and other dense vegetation for refuge from predators and weather conditions. As these forests are cleared or degraded, the deer are at risk of becoming extinct. Invasion by invasive species also poses a significant threat to the Visayan spotted deer.

These non-native plants can outcompete native plants, disrupting forest ecosystems and reducing prey availability for the animals living there. a concerted effort is needed from all stakeholders to protect this endangered species

Step 2: Develop a Plan to Address the Threats

One way to address the threats to the survival of the Visayan spotted deer is through conservation efforts. Habitat loss and fragmentation can be prevented by creating protected areas, promoting sustainable use of natural resources, and developing community-based conservation programs.

Hunting and poaching can be minimized by implementing hunting regulations, increasing law enforcement efforts, and providing incentives for wildlife tourism.

Step 3: Execute the Plan

The government of Mindanao has developed a conservation plan that includes increasing hunting restrictions and conducting predator control measures. In addition, they are developing legislation to protect critical habitats for deer.


The Visayan spotted deer is a beautiful and endangered species that deserves our protection. We must do all we can to protect this amazing animal from extinction.

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