7 Facts About Endangered Anteater On World Pangolin Day

7 Facts About Endangered Anteater On World Pangolin Day Priya

Pangolin Is The Name For All Animals Under The Order Pholidota. The Indonesian Name Trenggiling Came From The Malay Language.

It Is Because There Are Only Eight Species Of Pangolin Four Of Them Found In Asia And The Other Four Live In Africa.

They Are The World’S Only Scaly Mammals. They Are Covered In Tough Overlapping Scales That Make Up 20% Of Their Total Weight

Although They Are Covered With Scales Pangolins Carry Their Offsprings On Their Tail As They Forage For Food.

Every Time A Pangolin Feels Threatened It Will Cover Its Head With Its Front Legs And Curl Into A Ball Like An Armadillo.

Pangolins Have A Very Long Tongue Measure Up To A Third Of Their Entire Body Length. It Uses Their Tongue To Pick Up Food.

A Pangolin Can Eat Up To 200000 Ants And Termites Per Day Which Is Equivalent To 70 Million Insects Per Year.

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