Little Red Brocket Size: Facts, Habitat & Diet

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| Taxonomy | Features |
| Kingdom | Animalia |
| Phylum | Chordata |
| Subphylum | Vertebrata |
| Class | Mammalia |
| Order | Artiodactyla |
| Suborder | Ruminantia |
| Family | Cervidae |
| Subfamily | Capreolinae |
| Genus | Mazama |
| Species | Mazama bororo |

Little red brockets are not your average deer species. They may be small in size, but they are mighty jumpers and have unique physical features that set them apart from other deer. Found in Central and South America, these nocturnal animals prefer to live in dense forests and brushy areas.

In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of little red brockets, exploring their distinctive characteristics, behavior patterns, and more. So let’s get started without wasting any time! 

Physical Characteristics of Little Red Brocket (including size and dimensions)

Little Red Brocket is a small deer species that can be found in Central and South America. Despite its small size, Little Red Brocket has a muscular build and can weigh up to 25 kg. In this section, we will discuss the physical characteristics of the Little Red Brocket, including its size and dimensions.


The Little Red Brocket typically stands at a height of 60-70 cm at the shoulder. This makes it one of the smallest deer species in the world. The height of the Little Red Brocket varies slightly between males and females. Males are usually slightly taller than females.


The length of the Little Red Brocket ranges from 90 to 120 cm. Females are usually slightly smaller than males. The compact and robust body of the Little Red Brocket gives it a distinctive appearance. Its short legs and short tail make it look even more compact.


As mentioned earlier, despite its small size, the Little Red Brocket has a muscular build and can weigh up to 25 kg. This is quite impressive considering its relatively small size compared to other deer species.

Other Physical Characteristics

Apart from its height, length, and weight, several other physical characteristics are unique to the Little Red Brocket. For example, it has large ears that help it detect predators or other threats in its environment. It also has sharp hooves that allow it to navigate through dense vegetation with ease.

Diet and Habitat of Little Red Brocket

Little Red Brocket size

Little red brockets are fascinating animals that inhabit the dense forests of South America. These small deer-like creatures have a special diet and habitat that allows them to survive in their natural environment.


Little red brockets are herbivores, which means they primarily feed on leaves, fruits, and flowers. They have a selective feeding behavior and will avoid consuming plants that are toxic or have a strong odor. This helps them maintain a healthy diet while avoiding potential dangers.

Their diet consists of various plant species including palms, bromeliads, ferns, and other undergrowth vegetation. They also consume fallen fruits from trees such as figs and guavas.


Little red brockets prefer to live in dense forests with a lot of undergrowth where they can find food and shelter from predators. These areas provide them with the necessary cover to hide from predators while also giving them access to their preferred food sources.

They are found in different types of forests such as tropical rainforests, deciduous forests, cloud forests, and montane forests. Their habitat is typically located near rivers or streams where they can easily access water for drinking.


Little red brockets are primarily active during the night when they search for food. During the day, they rest in shaded areas to avoid the heat of the sun. They are shy animals that tend to avoid human contact whenever possible.

These animals have excellent senses that help them detect potential danger from predators such as jaguars and pumas. When threatened by predators or humans, little red brockets will freeze in place hoping not to be noticed, or run away at high speed using their powerful legs.

Exceptional Swimming Abilities of Little Red Brocket

Little red brockets are fascinating creatures that have adapted to living in marshes and rivers. One of their most remarkable abilities is their exceptional swimming skills, which they use to navigate through the water with ease.

Red Brockets and Their Environment

Red brockets are small deer species that live in South America. They are named after their reddish-brown coloration and markings, which provide excellent camouflage in marshy areas. These areas are dense with vegetation, making it difficult for predators to spot them.

Their long legs and slender tail make them well-suited for swimming and maneuvering through the water. They can easily swim across rivers and streams, using their legs as paddles while holding their tails straight out behind them for balance.

The Solitary Nature of Male Red Brockets

Male red brockets are typically solitary animals, but during mating season, they will venture into areas with higher concentrations of females to increase their chances of finding a mate. This behavior allows them to spread their genes more widely throughout the population.

Protection of Offspring

Red brockets give birth to one offspring at a time and will often hide their young in grasses near the water’s edge for protection. This strategy helps keep the young safe from predators while allowing the mother to forage for food without worrying about her offspring.

Scientific Classification of Little Red Brocket

The Little Red Brocket is a small-sized deer species that is found in Central and South America. It belongs to the family Cervidae, which includes deer and their relatives. The scientific name for Little Red Brocket is Mazama Rufina.

Family Cervidae

The family Cervidae comprises 43 species of hoofed mammals, including deer, moose, elk, and caribou. They are found all over the world except for Australia and Antarctica. All cervids have antlers at some point in their life cycle, except reindeer (caribou), where both males and females grow antlers.

Little Red Brocket Size

Little Red Brocket is one of the smallest members of the deer family. An adult Little Red Brocket weighs around 15-25 kg on average. Its height ranges from 50-70 cm at the shoulder level. The females are slightly smaller than the males.

Physical Characteristics

Little Red Brocket has reddish-brown fur with white spots on its throat and belly. Its coat is short and coarse in texture. The coloration helps them blend into their surroundings for camouflage purposes.

The head of Little Red Brocket is small with large ears that can rotate up to 180 degrees to detect any potential predators or prey nearby. Their eyes are positioned on either side of their head providing them with a wide field of vision.


Little Red Brockets are native to Central and South America, where they inhabit dense forests, shrublands, grasslands, and even agricultural areas close to water sources such as rivers or streams.

They have adapted well to living in fragmented landscapes caused by human activities such as agriculture or deforestation; however, this also puts them at risk due to habitat loss.


Little Red Brockets are herbivores that feed on a variety of plants, including leaves, fruits, and flowers. They are known to browse on young shoots and twigs as well.


The biggest threat to Little Red Brocket is habitat loss due to deforestation and agriculture. Hunting for meat or sport also poses a significant risk to their population.

Conservation Status

Little Red Brocket is listed as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, some subspecies are facing threats due to habitat loss and hunting.

Habitat and Distribution of Little Red Brocket

Little Red Brocket, a species of deer, is native to Central and South America. They are commonly found in dense forests, especially in areas with thick undergrowth. Little Red Brocket prefers to live in areas with a high humidity level and abundant water sources. They are known to inhabit lowland rainforests, montane forests, and cloud forests.

Solitary Animal

Little Red Brocket is a solitary animal that prefers to live in areas with little human disturbance. They are most active during the early morning and late afternoon hours when they come out to feed on leaves, fruits, bark, and flowers. During the day, they rest in dense vegetation or underbrush.

Habitat Loss

The range of Little Red Brocket has been significantly reduced due to habitat loss caused by deforestation and human activities. These animals have lost their natural habitats due to logging operations, mining activities, agricultural expansion, urbanization, and hunting for meat or sport.

As a result of these threats and habitat loss over the years across its range in Central America from southern Mexico through Panama into northwestern Colombia; this species is listed as Near Threatened (NT) on the IUCN Red List.

Threats to Little Red Brocket and Conservation Efforts

Little Red Brocket is a species of deer that is native to Central and South America. Despite being an important part of the forest ecosystem, it has been classified as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which means there is not enough information available to determine its conservation status.

Threats to Little Red Brocket

The main threats to Little Red Brocket come from human activities. Habitat loss due to deforestation and forest fragmentation is one of the biggest threats. As forests are cleared for agriculture, cattle ranching, and other uses, the deer’s habitat shrinks, making it harder for them to find food and shelter.

Hunting by humans is another major threat. Little Red Brocket are hunted for their meat and hides, which are used in traditional medicine. This hunting pressure can have a significant impact on local populations.

Predation by natural predators such as jaguars and pumas also poses a threat to Little Red Brocket. While these predators play an important role in maintaining healthy ecosystems, they can also prey on deer populations if their numbers become too low.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation efforts for Little Red Brocket focus on protecting its forest habitat, promoting sustainable land use practices, and reducing hunting pressure through education and enforcement of laws.

Protecting forests means preserving the specific vegetation that Little Red Brocket relies on for grazing. It also means preventing further deforestation or fragmentation of existing forests.

Promoting sustainable land use practices involves finding ways for people to make a living without resorting to activities that harm wildlife. For example, agroforestry techniques can help farmers grow crops while still preserving forest cover.

Reducing hunting pressure requires educating people about the importance of conserving wildlife like Little Red Brocket. It also requires enforcing laws that prohibit hunting or limit hunting quotas in areas where these deer are found.

Little Red Brocket’s Adaptations

Little Red Brocket is adapted to closed-canopy forests, which means it lives in areas where the tree canopy is so dense that very little light reaches the forest floor. This habitat protects from predators and helps regulate temperature and humidity.

The deer also relies on specific vegetation for grazing, making it vulnerable to habitat loss and degradation. As forests are cleared or fragmented, the plants that Little Red Brocket depend on may disappear, making it harder for them to find food.

Research Needs

More research is needed to better understand the population size and distribution of Little Red Brocket, as well as its ecological role in forest ecosystems. This information can help conservationists develop more effective strategies for protecting this species.

Little Red Brocket in Walker’s Mammals of the World (Fifth Edition)

Little Red Brocket is a subspecies of the red brocket deer, which belongs to the family Cervidae in the order Artiodactyla. This species of brocket deer is found in Central and South America. In this article, we will discuss Little Red Brocket in detail and explore its characteristics.


These animals are small to medium-sized and brown. They have no antlers, which makes them vulnerable to predators such as jaguars and pumas. Little Red Brocket feeds on fruit, leaves, fungi, and trees. They are also hunted for their meat in countries like Ecuador.


Reproduction in this species is not well documented. However, it is known that they mate throughout the year with peak mating season from March to May. The gestation period lasts for about 7 months after which a single young one is born.


Little Red Brocket prefers dense forests with thick undergrowth where they can hide from predators easily. These animals are mainly found at elevations ranging from sea level up to 1,800 meters above sea level.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of Little Red Brocket is currently listed as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, their population has been declining due to habitat loss caused by deforestation and hunting.

Economic Importance of Little Red Brocket for Humans: Positive and Negative

Humans have a complex relationship with the little red brocket, a species of deer found in parts of South America. While the animal is hunted for food by some communities, it can also cause damage to agricultural fields, leading to negative economic impacts on farmers.

Hunting for Food

In many rural areas of South America, the little red brocket is an important source of protein for local communities. Hunting this species is often done sustainably and within legal limits, providing a valuable food source for those who live in remote areas where other sources of protein may be scarce.

However, overhunting can lead to population declines and even extinction, which would have long-term negative economic impacts on both humans and the environment. Therefore, it’s essential to regulate hunting practices to ensure that they are sustainable and not detrimental to the species’ survival.

Damage to Agricultural Fields

While little red brockets play an important role in their natural ecosystem by dispersing seeds and maintaining plant diversity, they can also cause significant damage to agricultural fields. This can result in crop losses and financial hardships for farmers who rely on these crops as their primary source of income.

To mitigate these negative impacts, farmers may implement measures such as fencing or scare tactics to deter wildlife from entering their fields. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting natural habitats can help reduce conflicts between wildlife and humans.


Little red brockets also play a role in ecotourism, which can bring revenue into local communities through activities such as wildlife-watching tours. These tours provide visitors with an opportunity to see these animals in their natural habitat while supporting local economies.

However, ecotourism must be managed carefully to ensure that it does not negatively impact the species or its habitat. Unregulated tourism can lead to habitat destruction or disturbance of wildlife populations if not properly managed.

Scientific Research and Conservation Efforts

Little red brockets are also crucial for scientific research and conservation efforts. Studying these animals can provide valuable insights into their behavior, ecology, and genetics. This information can be used to inform conservation strategies aimed at protecting the species and its habitat.

Conservation efforts can have long-term economic benefits by preserving natural habitats that provide ecosystem services such as clean water, air, and food. Protecting these resources is essential for human well-being and sustainable economic development.

Understanding the Importance of Little Red Brocket Size

The Little Red Brocket is a small deer species that inhabits the forests of Central and South America. While their size may be small, their impact on their ecosystem is significant.

In terms of physical characteristics, Little Red Brockets are typically between 60-80 cm in height and weigh around 20-30 kg. Their small size allows them to easily navigate dense forest areas, making them well-adapted to their environment.

Their diet consists mainly of leaves, fruits, and flowers found in the forest understory. They are also known for their exceptional swimming abilities, which allow them to cross rivers and streams with ease.

From a conservation standpoint, it is essential to understand the habitat and distribution of Little Red Brockets. They can be found throughout much of Central and South America but are particularly abundant in Brazil and Bolivia.

Unfortunately, these animals face several threats due to habitat loss caused by deforestation for agricultural purposes or human settlement. However, there are ongoing conservation efforts aimed at protecting this species from extinction.

In conclusion, while the Little Red Brocket’s size may be small compared to other deer species, it plays an important role in its ecosystem. We must continue to study and protect this species so that future generations can appreciate its unique characteristics and contributions to our planet’s biodiversity. not a part of Facebook Inc. additionally , is not endorsed by Facebook Inc. any way. Facebook is a trademork of Facebook, Inc.